Manufacturers, designers, and sellers of all products have a legal responsibility to ensure that the products that they design, manufacture, and distribute are safe for use. If a product is not safe for use and causes injury the manufactures, designers, and/or sellers can be held accountable for the harm that the defective product has caused. This type of personal injury case is referred to as product liability.
There are several different types of defects a product can have. There are design defects, manufacturing defects, and even defects with regard to the warnings contained on a product.
A product has a design defect if the product could have been designed in a safer manner, which would have reduced the chances of injury.
A product has a manufacturing defect if the product’s intended design was safe, but an issue during the manufacturing process caused the product to become unsafe and defective.
Most products have warnings. The designers, manufacturers, and distributors of dangerous products have an obligation to provide comprehensive, easily understandable warnings and instructions with the products to ensure that consumers are not harmed by the products.
The product liability attorneys at Cerussi & Gunn, P.C. have extensive experience in handling product liability cases of all types. If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death as the result of a defective product, we can provide you with quality legal guidance. Product liability is a challenging area of law and the prosecution of product liability cases, in general, should be handled by law firms such as ours, that have the skill, experience, and resources to properly investigate and pursue the case.
Learn more about some of our past verdicts and settlements in NJ products liability cases.
Our Monmouth County, New Jersey office is conveniently located in Shrewsbury, NJ.